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Gerard Manley Hopkins

Blanca Santonja

I am a PhD candidate at Saint Louis University in Missouri, USA. My specialty is British nineteenth century poetry and fiction. My research is primarily focused on the intersections between religion and literature and my dissertation, tentatively titled Sympathetic Conversions in the Nineteenth-Century Realist Novel, explores the trope of conversion and the role of sympathy in the novels of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, and Mary Augusta Ward.

During my time at SLU, I have taught courses on a variety of themes such as Faith, Doubt, and Literature; Technology, Media and Literature; Gender, Identity and Literature; and Nature, Ecology and Rhetoric. I have successfully used this site in some of my classes to help students engage with Hopkin's poetry, and I hope it will be of use to other scholars and educators.

Blanca Santonja